Playgrounds are great places to have fun.
But you need to have fun without getting hurt.
Here are some rules to remember:
Getting Ready to Play on the PlaygroundWear sunscreen so your skin won't get burned. Remember that sun makes metal hot. A hot slide can burn your skin, too.
Wear shoes that keep your feet safe. Don't go barefoot. If you do, your foot could get a splinter or a cut.
Play only on dry equipment. If it is wet, you could slip and fall.
SlidesGo down the slide one at a time. Wait until the person in front of you is on the ground and has moved away from the slide.
Always slide sitting down facing forward. NEVER slide down headfirst!
Move away from the slide bottom as soon as you reach the ground.
Don't climb over any guardrails. Guardrails are there to protect you.
ClimbingClimb stairs or steps slowly.
Hold onto the handrails.
Avoid climbing or sliding on equipment support poles or beams.
SwingingSwing sitting down
Swing with only one person per swing.
Wait until the swing stops before you get off.
Be careful when you walk in front of moving swings. You don't want to get hit accidently!
Only one person at a time should ride a spring rocker. Rock sitting down.